Snoring and sleep apnea
Snoring And Sleep Apnea
Sleep apnea is a condition that causes a person to take shallow breaths or to stop breathing altogether. The pauses can last from a few seconds to several minutes and can be potentially dangerous. As breathing resumes, the individual sometimes makes a snorting or choking sound.
The Symptoms Include:
Jaw pain
Waking up feeling tired
Frequent nighttime waking
Morning headaches
Difficulty concentrating
Excessive daytime sleepiness
Recent studies reveal that as the throat relaxes following an apnea episode, the jaw clamps down to prevent the airway from blockage. This can produce excessive stress on the jaw, mouth and even shoulders. It can also result in TMJ.
Other dental signs of apnea include:
Cracked, broken or missing teeth
Excessive teeth grinding or jaw clenching
Worn front teeth
Pain when chewing
Chronic headaches
Neck and shoulder pain
Dentists are a critical partner in your overall medical team and especially regarding sleep apnea. If you are diagnosed with this disorder, discuss it with your dentist who may be able to help with treatment options.