Exams and X-rays

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Exams and X-rays

Using our knowledge and skills our Manotick dentist staff is able to identify any potential problems and offer suggested procedures to prevent a dental emergency. We take digital x-rays and perform an exam of your teeth and gums. We check on any fillings, crowns or implants to be sure they are still in good shape.


These regular check ups are the perfect time for you to chat with your hygienist and dentist.  They are happy to review the proper techniques for brushing and flossing and to give you the latest information about how to maintain good oral health for you and your family.

About Dental X-Rays

Dental x-rays are a key component to our diagnosis and review of your mouth, jaw, teeth and gums.

There are several categories, which we will review:

Full Mouth

You have probably heard this called a “full set” of x-rays. This covers the entire mouth. They are initially taken as a baseline for all future exams and periodically to assure you are in good oral health. These will include bitewing and periapical (PA) x-rays.



These x-rays display both upper and lower back teeth at the same time. In that way, the dentist can see how they line up with each other as well as decay, bone loss, infection and other problems.



This is a full view of a single tooth from the crown to the root and all the surrounding bone. This can identify impacted teeth, abscesses, cysts and changes in the bone.


Check up

These are performed periodically during regular visits. They will incorporate both the bitewing and periapical.


Limited or problem-focused

If the dentist suspects you have a specific problem, he or she will order a precise x-ray of the tooth or area to help define any problem. These are frequently taken during a procedure.



This will reflect the entire mouth, jaws, teeth, sinus and nasal area and jawbone joint (temporomandibular) in a single image. These can be used as a baseline but are primarily used for viewing wisdom teeth, orthodontics, and surgical procedures. Also, if a bitewing or periapical x-ray is not possible, a panoramic view is ordered.


At Manotick Main Dental, our Ottawa family dentist will take the time to ensure that your dental needs are being met. We provide a variety of services such as exams, x-rays, teeth cleanings, fillings, crowns, and more. Give us a call today to schedule an appointment!