Oral Cancer Screening
Oral Cancer Screening
At Manotick Main Dental we take your health seriously. Today we can diagnose oral cancer at an earlier time. Especially if you have an at-risk lifestyle, we will recommend a thorough examination.
In Canada three people die each day from oral cancer. This is a frightening statistic!
This number can be reduced with early detection and treatment. Tobacco product use is the leading predisposition for oral cancer, but there are other factors that come into play, primarily age.
Our practice encourages continuing education on the identification and treatment of oral cancer. We begin by carefully scrutinizing anyone who has an at-risk lifestyle. We will pay particular attention to mucosal abnormalities and conduct a series of specialized tests for this purpose.
About Oral Cancer Screening
Risk Factors Are Identified As
- Increased Risk: Patients age 18-39 with no lifestyle risk factors
- High Risk: Patients age 40 and older with no lifestyle risk factors OR Patients age 18-39 with lifestyle risk factors.
- Highest Risk: Patients age 65 and older with lifestyle risk factors or patients with a history of oral cancer.
Lifestyle Indicators Are
- Tobacco use (any type, any age, within 10 years)
- Alcohol consumption of at least 1 drink per day
- Immune deficiencies such as HIV & AIDS
- Human Papilloma Virus (HPV 16/18)