Periodontal Screening

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Periodontal Screening

Periodontal screenings check the mouth for any early signs of gum disease like gingivitis and periodontitis. These diseases threaten the gums and bones and if left untreated will result in bone and tooth loss. These conditions are generally caused from bacteria in the mouth. Regular dental examinations by a professional dentist or hygienist can prevent the spread of periodontal disease.

Our specialists are trained in early detection of these conditions to protect you from the worsening effects. With early treatment, the gums can be restored.

What is Periodontal Disease?

Swollen gums or those that are tender or bleed during brushing are signs of potential gum disease. The bacteria in your mouth will infect good tissue.
Usually the result of inadequate brushing and flossing, the bacteria grow. As it spreads, plaque will form and eventually lead to gingivitis and possibly periodontitis.

As this condition progresses, gaps will form between the teeth and lead to tooth loss.